Reclaiming Our Wild Selves

Living every moment to the fullest is something I'm really passionate about. To me, it's about changing the conversation around aging, embracing every aspect of life, rather than chasing eternal youth. It is such a privilege to be alive and what a refreshing perspective shift to have!

By adopting this mindset, I've found that I feel young at heart, yet I'm not worried about aging. It's all about embracing the journey, the experiences, and the growth that comes with it. It's like unlocking a newfound sense of vitality and joy in each day.

Right now, I’m swept up in this book: The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self (let me know if you’ve read it!). And, OMG! It has been incredibly inspiring. The author, Michael Easter, highlights the importance of embracing discomfort to reclaim our true selves. Which got me thinking a lot about how many of us exist in these climate-controlled environments where everything is comfortable, missing out on intentional physical challenges that could really push us to grow.


I’m at the point in the book where they dive into the concept of Misogi. An ancient Japanese practice all about purifying your mind, body, and spirit through challenging yourself both mentally and physically. The idea is to push yourself not for anyone else, but just for you…a way to reclaim your most wild and happy self.

Reflecting on our 'Our Stories Matter' blog post series featuring the inspiring women in our Dare community has been so eye-opening for me. Each one of them is bravely tackling their own Misogi, in their unique way. It's inspiring to witness their journeys unfold, and it's got me redefining what success means for myself. This aligns perfectly with what I'm reading—it's all about embracing discomfort, pushing our boundaries, and daring to step out of our comfort zones.

Recently, I've been seeing a lot of chatter, especially on social media, about how middle-aged women feel invisible. It's this narrative that somehow it's just part of aging, but it doesn't have to be that way. It's heartbreaking to think that so many women feel like they've disappeared from their own lives, disconnected from who they truly are. And don't even get me started on the pressure to keep relationships fresh!

But here's the thing about empty nesting…It's honestly been the best thing ever for me. I've embraced this phase of life where I can focus on my own growth (discovering my Misogi) while still supporting my kids from afar. I heard somewhere that the Chinese describe it as a “second spring”—a time of rebirth and renewal. And you know what? It truly feels like that.

So, why don’t we use this rebirth to our advantage? That’s what Dare is all about—to nudge women to step outside their comfort zone and refocus their energy on the sheer joy of being alive. The whole point is to challenge yourself, to push beyond what feels safe and cozy. By embracing this discomfort, whatever that is for you…you focus on living authentically and fully.

I’ve seen it firsthand with the women who join my Detours. Whether it’s embarking on a solo retreat for the first time, tackling the Via Ferrata in Italy, or even something as simple as horseback riding in Montana, every single woman describes it as transformational…yes, it was hard. Yes, it was scary, but they walk away feeling stronger and more proud of themselves. These are things we don’t often feel, and we’re not given gold stars or trophies as we get older. It’s up to us to reclaim it for ourselves.

If you’ve been following along, you’ve seen my ongoing journey of experiencing 24 things in 2024, sparked by my love for Never Have I Ever. If you are interested in giving it a shot and embarking on your own Misogi-like challenge—our DIY Detouris an ideal starting point. Dare yourself to try something new.


Big Money Moves


The Fear in Mountain Climbing | Our Stories Matter