I Have Breast Cancer

Earlier this month I learned that I have breast cancer. I’ve caught it early. It’s Grade 1, which means it’s slow growing and less aggressive. I’m healthier than I’ve been in a really long time. I have a game plan. I have tremendous support. Still, it’s cancer.

Despite this I have been totally blown away by the support I've received from my community. You allowed me to be angry, you joined me in a rousing chorus of FUCK CANCER, and then you showered me with such tremendous love and support it’s taken me weeks to absorb it all. It feels as if my anger split me open and all your love poured into the cracks and filled me up with warmth and light✨

You have shown up for me in ways I never expected, many of you whom I’ve never met?! I am beyond grateful for your support. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers and energy and perspectives and recommendations and contacts - everything. Thank you💛

Here’s what you can expect from me going forward:
✔️I will not allow cancer to define me now, or in the future.
✔️I will work to lead with love, always.
✔️I will use my anger to remind me to be honest with myself.
✔️I will remain alert and open to all the possibilities available to pursue the best treatments and ongoing protocols to live a healthy full life.
✔️I will share what I learn on my Instagram on #fuckcancerfridays - take what works for you.

I hope I have the opportunity to reflect back all the love and light that’s been shared here with me, I really do😊 Happy Thanksgiving! I sure am feeling gratitude at this moment.

My tumor is very small, too small for me to even feel - it’s within my breast tissue and is less then 6mm across. I found the lil’ fucker early, and this is the key - EARLY DETECTION💗

I have a history of breast cancer in my family, so I started getting annual mammograms when I turned 40. This year I decided to establish a more comprehensive baseline and get a breast MRI. Thank goodness I did, because this prompted the ultra sound I had last week, and ultimately the biopsy that identified the lesion in question as grade 1 invasive ductile carcinoma, ER+ PR+ HER2 -🙃

Here’s the thing though, the radiation from main stream imaging like mammograms and MRI’s isn’t great for our boobs or our bodies. So what’s best for you? The WISDOM Study, currently underway, has the intention of finding ways to differentiate breast cancer screening per individual and empower women to make informed choices about their screening options. If you want to read more about this, check out this article https://www.nature.com/articles/s41523-017-0035-5

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. No matter your age or family history, I encourage you to conduct monthly self exams at a minimum. What’s best is to become real intimate with yourself and feel up your boobies daily😆 I found this awesome app to help with this called “Check Yourself” app by Keep a Breast “Check Yourself” will guide you through the 5 easy steps to check your boobs, and remind you when to give yourself a feel😉

📸 Diana Davis Creative

I’m finding that attitude and acceptance are the key for me. I realize that not everyone is comfortable talking about their boobies, let alone talking about touching them. I’m pretty open about this kind of thing and would love to talk with you if that would be helpful. I’m NOT an expert - I’m learning and sharing as much as I can as I move thru this storm with the hopes I can continue to engage in meaningful conversations around women’s health and boobies.

Funny how staring down your own mortality brings things into focus. The silver lining of breast cancer for me one month in has been clarity of thought and perspective💗

With this, I am working to view cancer as an invitation. An invitation to have the hard conversations, to be open to greater possibilities, to reach out to those who I’ve been meaning to but haven’t, to be more present. To continue to explore and try new things. To be vulnerable. To love deeply without hesitation💥

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I Am Cancer Free


Cold Season Wellness