Cold Season Wellness

Late fall is definitely a period of transformation and change - have you been feeling it as much as I have?! It’s also a really perfect time to take inventory of your health and happiness! I find this time of year always finds a way to not-to-subtly remind me to check in with myself - to get realigned - and set some positive boundaries/routines before the never-ending bustle of the holidays begins to take full effect. My challenge for you this week: prioritize your physical wellbeing, and boost that immune function! 

Here are some of the ways I try and take to stay happy and healthy as the seasons shift and the cold weather sets in (hello, Montana winters!): 

Get enough sleep. But really, get enough sleep. Don’t skimp on this one, please. Our lives are busy. Our days and calendars are full. I get it. But I also know that the minute I start compromising on sleep - my immune system is the first thing to suffer as a result. You really do need that recommended 8-hours each night to stay healthy, happy and fully engaged in your daily life! Pro tip: If you can’t manage the 8 hrs/night - maybe consider sneaking in a quick 30-minute midday nap when you can? Nappers = winners in my book. 

Up your Vitamin D intake. Our bodies absorb Vitamin D through the skin’s exposure to the sun, so with the winter light lower on the horizon and the days getting shorter, it’s doubly important to make sure you’re getting your daily dose! Vitamin D also plays a vital role in calcium absorption and immune system function - so consider adding a Vitamin D supplement to help your body through the colder, darker days that winter brings. 

Stay active. Shorter days mean early nights - and the temptation to cosy up with wine and a blanket after work couldn’t be stronger! Even worse, it can be difficult to get out the door for an evening workout when it’s cold and fully dark by 6pm. Our solution: get your workout in early! An AM workout will ensure you have more energy throughout the day and you can cosy up in the evenings guilt-free knowing you got in your exercise already! 

Boost your Immunity. Sip your way to health each morning - squeeze ½ lemon into a small glass or mug. Add a tablespoon of honey and a dash of cayenne pepper and top an ounce of two of boiling water. If you’re hardcore, just turn this into a little lemon-cayenne-honey shot and tip that baby back! 

Drink in moderation. This isn’t necessarily a fun one, guys. But... it’s  been shown that alcohol weakens your immune function - and when you need your body to be on guard against things like flu season bugs and harsher weather conditions - drinking in excess is asking your body to work overtime. You don’t have to say no to that hot toddy or evening glass of Merlot, but may be worth just watching your booze intake this winter - especially if you notice you are feeling under the weather more than usual. 

The end of autumn and the impending holiday season brings so many new beginnings, wonderful changes and opportunities for celebration! It only seems fitting that we want to be feeling our best during this time and living life to the fullest, right? Supporting your mental and physical wellbeing with a few simple adjustments should get you on the road to a  healthy, happy few months ahead! Also, please share how you and your loved ones beat the cold season - I am a junkie for health hacks and adore trying new home remedies to add to my routine! :) 

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