Detour Diaries

Dare to Detour is the supportive wellness community you deserve.

We invite you to join us for the journey, as we reconnect with ourselves — mind, body, and spirit — and step into a new way of being.

Travel, Solo Travel Ali Holst Travel, Solo Travel Ali Holst

What Kind of Packer Are You?

I used to be a last-minute packer. I would ensure my kids were packed days in advance, but I often found myself scrambling to pack for myself well into the midnight hours the night before our departure. But now, my packing routine has evolved into a delightful dance of anticipation and practicality.

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Travel, Solo Travel, Adventure Sheryl Wright Travel, Solo Travel, Adventure Sheryl Wright

Behind the Scenes of How I Plan a Trip

When crafting the itineraries for my Dare to Detour retreats, I start by defining what we will NOT do. The point of these trips is that I want it to be a true Detour - not an itinerary you would do with family or your friends. So rather than following the traditional tourist trail or "top 5 must-sees" outlined by popular travel guides, I intentionally opt for truly unique experiences.

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Travel & Adventure

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