My Summer Reading List

Ah, a good summer read.

There’s nothing like spending a lazy afternoon (or day at the beach!) immersing ourselves in stories, ideas, and knowledge. I’ve always been an avid reader, I usually read in the morning and have several books going at once. I aim to read 10 pages of something every day, a practice that has brought me consistent joy and continuous growth for keeping a reading practice. Today, I wanted to share with you the books that are currently gracing the chair by my reading nook.

My Summer Reading List


1. "The Court of Thorn and Roses" by Sarah J. Maas.

Let me tell you, this book is an absolute page-turner. I devoured it within three days! Set in a vivid world of fantasy, it's the perfect summer read for those who crave a bit of magic and adventure in their lives.

2. "Dune" by Frank Herbert

Now, I must admit, I'm not usually a huge fan of science fiction, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone. It's a classic that has captured the hearts of so many readers, so I couldn't resist giving it a try. Who knows, maybe this unexpected Detour will take me on an incredible journey into the world of science fiction!

3. "Women Talking" by Miriam Toews

This book is equal parts fascinating, terrifying, and empowering. It tackles important themes and tells the story of a group of women trying to navigate their way through challenging circumstances. It's a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of the female spirit.


4. "Women Without Kids: The Revolutionary Rise of an Unsung Sisterhood" by Ruby Warrington

I picked up this book in support of my daughter, as it explores the experiences of women who have chosen not to have children. It's an opportunity to gain insights and a deeper understanding of different paths in life, celebrating the choices we all make.

5. "Cancer Hacks: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming Your Fears and Healing Cancer" by Elissa Goodman

Elissa is a survivor and someone I truly respect. Her book dives into health, nutrition, wellness, and mindset. It's a resource I frequently return to, as it's filled with practical tips and reminders to prioritize our well-being.

6. "The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters" by Priya Parker

Priya is a facilitator on a global level, and this book has been informing how I plan and curate future Detours. It's all about the power of intentional gatherings and the impact they can have on our lives. Whether it's a small dinner party or a large conference, Priya shares valuable insights on creating meaningful experiences and fostering genuine connections. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to make their gatherings more purposeful and memorable.

7. "The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living" by Ryan Holiday

This book has become an essential part of my morning routine. Each day, I dive into a meditation of Stoic insights and exercises that help me develop wisdom, resilience, and a greater appreciation for the present moment. It's a beautiful reminder to live with intention and embrace life's challenges as opportunities for growth.

And there you have it, my summer reading list! A blend of fiction and non-fiction, these books hold the promise of opening new doors, expanding my perspective, and inspiring personal growth.

So Darlings, I encourage you to carve out some time this summer to indulge in the joy of reading. Maybe try my 10-page trick. Make it a non-negotiable part of your routine by setting aside dedicated time each day and mix up your reading materials to keep the experience fresh and diverse.


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