Journal prompts to discover your story

On March 8th, International Women's Day, I spoke at the Bridger Women's Club about the importance of sharing our stories. I shared my personal story with the women who gathered, women of all ages and financial backgrounds. And I wanted to remind YOU how discovering your story — no matter where you are in life — is important

Write your own story.

Here are 3 journal prompts to get started discovering

  1. Write about a life-changing decision you made that shited your course. Who supported you? Are you still in touch with that person?

  2. Write about the different hats you wear. List them out and give them names.

  3. Write about friendships. (New and old.)

So why do I keep harping on this concept of "Our Stories Matter"?

Because our stories crack us open, but they also piece us back together. The purpose of sharing our stories is not to pursue happiness, but rather wholeness. Not to feel perfect, but more complete. Not for fame, but for self-awareness and connection.


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