How Travel Can Be the Biggest Catalyst for Change

As we step into the New Year, I want to share a personal reflection that has significantly shaped my own journey. We frequently find ourselves in a groove-perhaps a fantastic one-but it often hinders us from seeing beyond our routine. The most impactful approach to break free from this cycle is by embracing change. Want to know the quickest way to make a shift in your life?

Take a trip.

a.k.a. a Detour.

During the initial stages of my divorce, a pivotal moment unfolded when I made the decision to change my physical surroundings. I moved, went somewhere new, and in doing so, I uncovered a profound truth: the act of switching up my physical space became a cornerstone in my healing process.

Moving away granted me the time and space necessary for healing, while solo-traveling to the other side of the world became a transformative journey towards building confidence and prioritizing my needs and desires. It became clear that sometimes, to experience a radical change, all that's required is to alter the space you find yourself in. This realization is why I've always held a deep appreciation for travel.

To start the year, I’ve joined Gabby Bernstein’s 21-Day Manifesting Challenge. Interestingly, this week’s lesson centered around a simple yet powerful concept: choosing again. The idea is to recognize negative thoughts that don't align with joy and elevate your vibration by actively choosing a more positive feeling or thought.

In going through this exercise, I realized that travel provides a unique opportunity to distance yourself from whatever might be anchoring you down. Aligning with my chosen word for 2024, "exceptional," I've decided that this is the year to reassess aspects I've looked away from. If you're kicking off the year feeling uncertain about how to make the necessary shifts, embarking on a new adventure can help.

What's truly beautiful about this principle is its universality. Even if circumstances don't allow for relocating to a new city or traveling to a different country, the smallest change of space can lead to massive shifts in our lives. Whether it's taking a Detour on your typical neighborhood walk or switching up your workout class to encounter fresh faces, the potential for positive change is limitless.

What’s a switch, big or small, you can make today that will invite change into your life? I’m always inspired by your ideas and love to incorporate new Dares into my life. And if you’re curious about the behind-the-scenes of DARE-I’d love for you to join me for an exclusive inside look at the journey on Instagram!

P.S. If you're looking to make a quick shift, I invite you to try out my DIY Detour Challenge (It’s fun to do with family, friends, or solo!).

May this year be filled with opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and the courage to take your own Detour towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Let’s make 2024 exceptional, my Darlings.




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