5 Things I'm Daring Myself to do in November

A new month! November has always held a special place in my heart. As the crisp autumn air settles in we begin to embrace the snow. November invites us to slow down and reflect, to get cozy, and to reconnect. That's why I wanted to share my November list with you this week. Here are five things I can't wait to try out:


5 Dares I’m Giving Myself this Month

1. Switching up my workout routine. My heart craves a rugged hike through the forest and up a mountain, but the weather isn't always the best for it. So, I'm spending more time in the gym lifting weights, aiming for 3 days a week. This has been a very real challenge for me.

2. Trying the Prolon nutrition program, which will support me in a 5-day fast. I've been curious about fasting and can't ignore the science behind it and the proven benefits, especially for those like me who've moved through cancer. I'm especially curious about supporting my body in reaching a state of autophagy and its effects on my metabolic balance. Stay tuned!

3. Embracing creativity and focusing on finishing knitting the sweater I started last year - it's time.

4. Removing my cell phone from my bedroom. This is HUGE for me. I recently moved my charging station downstairs, and I purchased a Hatch Restore 2 Sleep Guide (aka alarm clock). I'm happy to report that it's truly helped me establish a restful routine from sunset to sunrise.

5. Cultivating gratitude by making a JOY list. Each morning, before I get out of bed, I write down 3 things that brought me JOY the day before, or I list anticipatory experiences of JOY... a sort of gratitude manifestation practice. With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching, it serves as a beautiful reminder to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives. 

November is a time of transformation, and it can also be one of connection. I encourage you to join me in embracing the magic of this month and create a little 5-item Dare list too! Let me know what you want to try.


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